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  • Skin Care Products and Skincare Services for All Skintones

    Home Suite and Booth Rental Products Facials and Waxing Business Directory Back to Top Gift Cards COVID 19 Info Blog Search Results Monthly Plans More How To Charge My Crystals: 4 Ways To Do This Crystals And Their Power ​ Crystals have been known for their inherent power. They have accumulated through the process of their formation. Interestingly, crystals can also store and release healing properties and positive energies on a metaphysical level as long as you use them frequently and know how to cleanse and charge them. After all, it is not enough to just be in the same room as your crystal. Instead, become familiar with their vibrational frequencies and practice fine tuning your energy of intention with the use of your beautiful crystals. You may even form a holistic healing or spiritual bond with them, setting out on this harmonious dance of resonating and reciprocating each other’s energy levels. Crystal Care ​ You might notice, through prolonged use that they can flatten or begin to have very light vibrations of frequency (just like a battery.) The truth is, they won’t completely loose “their vibrational charge”, but you may notice some of your intentions or healing energies don’t manifest in the same time frame as what they use to when you started your practice. This is a great time for cleansing crystals so they are ready to be activated with your goals and intentions. Or you may want to choose a particular time of the month, this way you will remember to do this cleansing and charging method not only for your stones but also for your own energetic vibrations to keep your energies positive to fill yourself with vitality and optimism. There are four reasons why crystals might seem to lose their “glow”. First, they may have energetically clogged up by absorbing all the negative energies they have been exposed to for the time being, as each time you use them, they also absorb any negative energy from you at the beginning of your visualization or meditation practice to get you “in tune and ready for your intentions”. This is usually the case when you use your crystals for healing frequently. They may also become dormant if you haven’t used them for quite some time. This happens when you simply left the crystal on your altar or sacred space to collect dust and have not really touched or connected with it for a long time. There could be times when your piece simply doesn’t know what your goals are, as you may have forgotten to program it. Being specific is important as you program your crystals with intentions on a regular basis to keep that vibrational connection with them. Finally, just like humans needing food and sleep or even a little bit of pampering to regain energy after working so hard, your crystal might just need that recharge to capture its full vibrational strength again. ​ How To Charge Crystals ​ There are at least 4 ways to charging a crystal – Just to let you know that charging also includes crystal cleansing, from any unwanted energy that it may have absorbed. Any method of cleansing is also part of the process to charging your crystal from dormancy. Setting an intention whilst holding your piece is giving it that energetic charge in programming it for that particular goal in mind. Lastly, helping your piece regenerate the power that it had spent through constant use. So let’s keep moving on with this cleansing and charging process: ​ Cleansing Crystals In Moonlight Charging them in the moonlight can be as easy as placing them on your window sill during the full moon. Before you do this, always hold your semi precious piece in your hand and set your intention of what you want to manifest before the “moon energy”, so the crystal’s vibrational frequency is set to help you out. However, to make your practice even more effective, some more techniques here for you: Get to Know Your Crystal first Is it safe to be submerged in tap water or fresh water from a stream? How will it interact with salt? Make sure that your semi precious piece is safe to be washed in salt water solution, always do your research on your particular piece. If they are the kinds of crystals that can be safe enough to be placed in a bowl of water, then by all means do this healthy practice, it’s like a clean slate to work for you and with you. Altar for crystals Once cleansed, pick a spot in your backyard that will receive a lot of moonlight and earth energy especially if you place your crystal with plants before your bring them back inside the next morning. Some people prefer to use this type of natural energy as part of their cleansing and charging ritual. Then set them up on your special alter for crystals or unless you prefer to use them as a crystal grid for manifestation? They should be pulsing with lots of energy in the morning after this quick monthly ritual under the full moon. Here’s an extra tip: You can also research the sacred symbolism of each moon phase as you’re learning how to recharge crystals. Also feel free to perform this ritual even if it’s not the full moon, you need to feel what is intuitively right for you and your precious piece. Do what feels right, use your intuition as this is your connection with your piece. ​ Charging Crystals In Sun Charging them in direct sunlight can be the same as doing so at night (although always read on which crystals with sunlight could fade, sweat or melt slowly.) Just do your research before you cleanse your precious stone. What’s great about this method is that you won’t even need to keep track of moon phases. The sun is always bursting with natural properties of vitamin d and energy. How to cleanse rose quartz Many ask the question can rose quartz be left in sunlight? Speaking of crystals that might react negatively to the sun’s UV rays, here’s a question we get frequently asked by our readers: “Can you cleanse and charge rose quartz outdoors in sunlight?” We found that this type of quartz and other variants like purple quartz (aka amethyst quartz) or rose quartz would significantly fade if left outside for more than approx 10 minutes, so it’s best not to put these stones under direct sunlight, but more under a lovely pot plant or shaded tree out of direct sunlight. They can even be placed in natural light as long as there isn’t direct sunlight, somewhere like a window sill where there is still adequate light with natural properties like gentle air flow and some shade to regain its abundant energy. After charging and cleansing always remember to return your stone back to your sacred spot within your home environment. ​ How Do You Charge Crystals In The Earth? It’s no secret that most crystals came from within mother Earth. While there are various kinds associated with other elements, like air or water, most of them will always have a special connection to their original element. Another favorite method in charging of crystals is by burying them into the soil from time to time, to get that cleansing and grounding effect before working with them on your new set of goals. That’s specifically for stones that may have gone through a “bad energy” phase with you feeling negative at one point, from of all the healing work you had to do on yourself during any stressful periods in life . Earth energy is also known as an ancient energy cleansing for your semi precious stones, and as it’s connection back to mother earth and many people like to use this method combined with their moon ritual phase . Some bury them as they are, wrap them in an altar cloth of some kind, or put them in a small box, other’s just place them directly into the earth. ​ So How Do You Charge Crystals With Other Sacred Tools Did you know that there are so many other energy cleansing methods, using some sacred objects and tools such as smudge sticks, pyramids, sound vibrations and even other pieces like quartz clusters? ​ Here are some other ideas you might want to try when it comes to cleansing and charging them when needed- Smudge Sticks You might want to use a smudge stick like palo santo or white sage for cleansing and charging. It’s a great alternative for pieces you can’t use with water methods, or ones that interact negatively with salt, or potentially fade in the sun. ​ Pyramids Some people who are quite sensitive to smoke and particular scents, may find that pyramids work better for them. You’re likely aware of Egypt’s architectural wonders, but the structures we’re referring to are on a smaller scale and specifically designed to charge crystals and other sacred objects. They are made from various types of metal to conduct energy. ​ Other Crystals with Charging Properties Finally, another thing to remember as you’re learning how to cleanse and charge your semi precious pieces, there are also other stones such as clear quartz, that can cleanse and enhance the energy of your other pieces. Selenite and black obsidian are equally known to have cleansing and charging properties. Reiki Chakra Meditation ​ The best way to go about this method is to get a special charging plate or one of the stones(mentioned above) that charge all of your other semi precious pieces you have. There are definitely many other ways to recharge other than the methods we mentioned above. These semi precious stones have the vibrational frequencies of power that can influence and resonate with other energy fields surrounding them, including yours. That’s why they are a great supportive and metaphysical mechanism in manifesting goals. However, there are times when this energy gets low to flat so they need to be recharged. Those who are wondering and asking, “How to charge my crystals?”, will be pleased to learn that there are at least several ways to do so. Just don’t forget to see if your preferred method of charging crystals agrees with your particular piece. After all, some are sensitive to water, while others are prone to fading, sweating or melting away slowly, after prolonged sun exposure. We know there are so…..many wonderful ways you can create your crystal journey, so we hope you have fun and lots of positive transformations in your life with them. ​ Disclaimer Our web pages and blog posts provide general information for general purposes only and not to be used for any medical, legal or alternative health advice for any type of physical, mental health or financial concerns. Always speak to your practitioner before embarking on any new alternative treatments. If you have concerns about any medical matters, you should always consult your healthcare provider without delay. We thank you for taking full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing in life. ☺

  • Treat Your Self to a Luxury 3 Tier Service

    Treat Yourself $150 Book This Facial This is a Relaxing day of pampering. You will receive a Glam and Glow Facial, Back Treatment and Hand Treatment. Facials and back facials are both important parts of a healthy beauty regimen, as they essentially do for the skin what a professional dental cleaning can do for the teeth–clean more deeply and thoroughly than the individual can at home. A hand treatment can help Improve Blood Circulation, Prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. (60-90mins) Contraindications This Facial may not be for you if: Psoriasis skin Pregnancy. Acute sunburn (you can still see an esthetician for a soothing cool compress treatment to help ease your discomfort, but no heat or friction can be employed) Severe cystic acne with open pustules Open cuts or abrasions Bruises and swelling (Get your physician’s approval for a treatment; post-surgical or post-trauma bruising and swelling can often be mitigated by gentle manual lymphatic drainage massage) Active herpes lesions Conjuctivitis (“pink eye”) Severe eczema Severe psoraisis Impetigo Fungal infection Extreme allergic sensitivities (you probably wouldn’t be tempted anyhow!)

  • Skin Care Products and Skincare Services for All Skintones

    Glam's Butterfly Nectar Yoni Oil FAQ Click here to purchase So, what makes these ingredients ideal for a woman’s intimate area? And what do they do? Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) consists of a unique blend nourishing oils, herbs, and essential oils that help reduce the possibility of many types of infections and assists in defusing unpleasant odors while improving Women’s intimate well-being. Almond oil is rich in vitamin D, vitamin E (Tocopherol) and various minerals that help soothe the skin from irritation ​ Avocado oil is a wonderful antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory it also includes minerals and vitamins A, C, D and E Coconut oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that may help fight urinary tract infections, yeast infection Grapeseed oil contains powerful antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids that help alleviate redness and sensitive skin ​ Hempseed oil chas anti-inflammatory properties which help soothe your skin and protect from rashes, dryness, itching, inflammation, and redness ​ Himaylan Salt Kills bacteria, viruses and funguses and arrests their growth. The mucous membranes will become moist again and will rejuvenate, thus building up resistance against new infections ​ How much Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) do you recommend using for each application? *Wash First Yoni oil is best used after a shower or bath. Always ensure that your hands are also washed before applying your oil, and, just as importantly, be sure to keep the bottle clean and dry after each use to prevent any buildup of transferable mold and bacteria! *Shake Well Before Use** ​ *Don’t Use It Internally ​ Yoni oil is designed for use on the mons pubis and vulva (including your labia, clitoris and anus), but avoid inserting it into your deep into vagina canal unless using diluted in a douche (no Summers Eve YUCK) ​ *Don’t Keep It Cold ​ Warm or room temperature yoni oil tends to be more pleasant than those kept cold or chilled. Additionally, some oils happen to gel or solidify when too cool (i.e. coconut oil). If your oil has a solid consistency, simply hold it under warm water until it liquifies, then enjoy. ​ *Start With A Few Drops ​ Particularly when using yoni oil for the very first time, start with 3-4 drops. Believe it or not, when it comes to potent essential oils, a little really can go a long way. You can increase your yoni oil dosage once you’re accustomed to the product if you feel more is needed. Yoni oil can also be placed on panty liner or added to a soak bath. ​ *Check with Your Doctor If on Medication If you happen to be on a prescribed medication or are using other herbal medicines, it’s smart to ensure there are no possible adverse interactions between your yoni oil ingredients (natural though they may be) and any other substance you may be using. Consult your practitioner first. ​ Do you use Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) on the body? How? ​ Yes. Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) can be used on the body as well. Essential oils penetrate the skin quite rapidly and absorb into the bloodstream. Women who are uncomfortable using the oil around there feminine/intimate area can use on the stomach, inner thighs or the small of her back. You can also use Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) to the bottom of your feet before bed – as this is a very common method for absorbing all types of essential oils. ​ Great to use after Waxing, Shaving, and exfoliation ​ Use Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) after you just finished exfoliating your face, or any other body part, the most important thing to remember is to stay moisturized. Keeping the skin moisturized is also essential for the skin to repair and protect itself from external forces. Constant exfoliation can strip your skin of all of its oil leaving the surface dry. Therefore, exfoliating without applying a good oil is guaranteed to leave you drier than before exfoliation. As previously mentioned, exfoliation - especially physical exfoliation - is relatively harsh on the skin as peeling away the dead cells results in moisture removal. It would be best if you rehydrated this area for it to function properly. ​ To prevent and aid Candidiasis and infections Use Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) four times a day. Place two drops on the tip of your finger and place inside your vagina. With the oil on the tip of your finger insert the full finger inside and rub all visible wall interiors in circular motions. Repeat 3-4 times throughout the day.Before you start regularly applying this oil to the butterfly down under there are a few things to keep in mind. Women who are already prone to constant yeast or bacterial infections should be mindful of using this product since it may increase their future risk for infection. Yes, this oil may soothe symptoms but should not be used as a substitute for treatment or cure for any health problems. ​ What sexual conditions would you recommend Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) for? ​ For oral sex it is completely safe, however, your partner may not enjoy the taste. In any case, internal ingestion will not harm, or sting either partner. ​ Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) can be used for self-stimulation as well. A single woman can use the oil before self-pleasuring. Likewise, when with her partner, she or he can massage the outside of vagina with a finger or other pleasure device. The Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) acts to increase the overall pleasure. What sexual conditions would you not recommend Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) for? If you use condoms you should avoid using any Yoni Oil products because natural oils can damage latex condoms and dental dams. This damage can cause these items to tear or break, increasing the likelihood of a person getting pregnant or contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). The best products for sex with condom would be silicon or water base lubes. For women who plan to be or currently are pregnant I would not use because it increases blood flow to the muscles enabling them to contract with more intensity and force. ​ For women who are already pregnant, strong caution is advised as using essential oils may enhance the strength of orgasms and could possibly result in a disruption (forceful muscle contractions) in the area surrounding the baby. It is also advised not to use Glam's Butterfly Nectar (Yoni Oil) during the heaviest days of your period because the blood and fluids would wash most of the oil out. However, you can still apply to the skin during these days, and they will still work to relieve the painful symptoms during your period. ​ *Things to consider The vagina is self cleaning & self maintaining especially when the woman consumes a healthy diet, drinks plenty of water, a safe sex life, and takes regular baths/showers using mild soaps and gels. If good health & hygiene practices change, a woman may succumb to ill vaginal health. With the addition of Glam’s Butterfly Nectar in your daily hygiene practice, you add the power of naturally occurring plant based products to AID THE BODY in NATURALLY restoring vaginal flora balance.

  • Skin Care Products and Skincare Services for All Skintones

    Microdermbrasion Facial Book This Facial Microdermabrasion is a suction device with diamond tips head tip to buff away dead skin. This non-invasive skincare treatment targets rough skin, acne and wrinkles by removing the upper, dead layer of the skin and stimulating new skin cells to grow. Microdermabrasion gives you smoother, softer, younger longer skin instantly. If needed a light enzyme or scrub will be applied before or after microdermabrasion to ensure all dead skin is removed. Facial (Face and Neck Only) (add Décolletage and Eye and Lip Treatment $15 45-1Hr Contraindications This Facial may not be for you if: Diabetes You Have Moderate to Severe Inflammatory Acne. You Have Rosacea. Acute sunburn (you can still see us for a soothing cool compress treatment to help ease your discomfort, but no heat or friction can be applied) Severe cystic acne with open pustules Open cuts or abrasions Bruises and swelling (Get your physician’s approval for a treatment; post-surgical or post-trauma bruising and swelling can often be mitigated by gentle manual lymphatic drainage massage) Active herpes lesions Conjuctivitis (“pink eye”) Severe eczema Severe psoraisis Impetigo Fungal infection Extreme allergic sensitivities (you probably wouldn’t be tempted anyhow!)

  • Skin Care Products and Skincare Services for All Skintones

    Hydro Vibrating Facial Brush Ultrasonic Vibration Facial Brush Describe your image Ultrasonic Vibration Facial Brush Describe your image Hydro Vibrating Facial Brush 1/8 Hydro Vibrating Facial Brush $20.00 Agregar al carrito Orders Available by September 30th Give your face wash routine a rigorous refresh with the Hydro Vibrating Facial Brush from Glam and Glow BBS™. Made with silicone, this facial brush offers a smooth feel while deep cleansing your skin with the help of bristles in varying sizes. The sonic construction vibrates when in use for more effective cleaning, and you can adjust the frequency of the vibrations with the controls toward the bottom of the brush. This piece is complete with a USB cable for easy charging. Deep, Deep Clean HVFC uses sonic vibration technology to pulse over 6500 times per minute, gently exfoliating, unclogging pores, and removing up to 99.3% of dirt, oil, and makeup. No more double cleansing to get that baby-faced clean. Just pick one of five speed settings and use either side to vibrate away for radiant, healthy-looking skin. Introducing HVFC Hydro Vibrating Facial Cleansing Brush uses sonic vibration technology to gently remove up to 99.3% of dirt, oil, and makeup residue that contributes to breakouts, acne and flaky, blotchy skin. How to use the silicone facial cleansing brush? 1. After removing your make-up, moisten your face and use your cleanser and wet the brush surface of the silicone facial cleansing brush. 2. Press the on-off button to turn on the silicone facial cleansing brush to clean. Start from the chin, move upward along the lower jaw to the ear, and then gradually clean the upper area until you clean the whole cheek. 3. Clean the other side cheek in the same way. 4. Then move from the middle of the forehead to both sides, until you clean the whole forehead. Advise you to clean for about 15 seconds on every part of your face. Pre-Order Now

  • Glam and Glow BBS COVID

    COVID- 19 Studio Policy We are committed to doing everything we can to create a safe and healthy environment for our clients and staff. To-Go Facials Bags are still available and recommended. We will only take one appointment at a time to maintain social distancing during your visit. Daily appointments will be limited. We have added a HEPA Certified Air Purifier in the treatment area to circulate clean and sanitizes air. ​ We pride ourselves on following the State Department of Health Sanitation Guidelines and will continue to do to ensure our clients safety during this time. Here is a list of other precautions our guest and staff are expected to follow: Employees are screened for symptoms of illness prior to the beginning of their shift and will be sent home if they present any symptoms associated with the flu, a common cold or COVID. Clients are screened for symptoms related to COVID-19, common cold or flu and will be rescheduled if symptomatic or they are receiving treatment for a contagious illnesses. Estheticians will be wearing a face mask, face shield and gloves during all services. We ask that Clients wear masks coming in and leaving the building. We also recommend them wear mask during Eyebrow Shaping, Waxing, and Back-Facials sessions for your protection and ours. Clients receiving Facials and Makeup Services will not be able to wear a mask. All consultations will be done outside or in large conference room to maintain social distancing. Books and magazines have been removed from the waiting room to prevent cross contamination. Waiting room chairs have been spaced apart for social distancing. Hand sanitizer made available for use by staff and clients. If you are feeling unwell or have been at risk of exposure, please contact us to reschedule your appointment. * Glam and Glow BBS is located inside of a Professional Suite Building and share common areas. Even though we are practicing all precautions for our business and clients, we do not set State regulated standard and cannot control how our neighboring businesses may/may not choose to exercise caution.

  • Skin Care Products and Skincare Services for All Skintones

    Back Facial $70 Book This Facial ​ The skin on the body is different from the skin on the face and requires proper maintenance too. The skin on the back is often neglected due to lack of accessibility & proper daily care. We will provide a deep cleaning treatment on the back to boost circulation and open pores for proper cleaning and exfoliation. 45-60 min Contraindications This Facial may not be for you if: ​Acute sunburn (you can still see us for a soothing cool compress treatment to help ease your discomfort, but no heat or friction can be applied) Severe cystic acne with open pustules Open cuts or abrasions Bruises and swelling (Get your physician’s approval for a treatment; post-surgical or post-trauma bruising and swelling can often be mitigated by gentle manual lymphatic drainage massage) Active herpes lesions Severe eczema Severe psoraisis Impetigo Fungal infection

  • Shipping & Return Policy

    Shipping and Returns Shipping Policy ​ Shipping is Flat Rate $7 ​ Glam and Glow BBS makes every attempt to ship within 24 business hours of receiving an order. However, Glam and Glow BBS reserves the right to ship within 24 – 72 business hours of receiving an order. Once shipped, packages could take up to 10 business days to arrive. If a package has not been received within 10 business days, Glam and Glow BBS will re-ship the product and request the original order be returned (at Glam and Glow BBS expense) once it is received. ​ It is Glam and Glow BBS’s discretion whether to ship UPS or US Priority Mail. If the customer has a specific request for either UPS or US Priority Mail, Glam and Glow BBS will try to accommodate that request. There are circumstances where this request could be unreasonable; for example, a large shipment via US Priority Mail could be unreasonable to ship and would require Glam and Glow BBS to ship UPS for cost reasons. ​ Shipping Corrections If an incorrect or incomplete address is provided to Glam and Glow BBS, the customer will be responsible for additional shipping fees for: Re-directing the package through UPS. Pay the additional shipping if the package is returned to Glam and Glow BBS and needs to be re-shipped. Return Policy ​ Glam and Glow BBS’s wide variety of skin care products is suited for each skin type and condition. If you are not satisfied with a product purchased from Glam and Glow BBS, it is returnable for credit or for another product. Please keep the following in mind when returning product: Glam and Glow BBS must be advised of dissatisfaction of a product within 15 days of original purchase. The actual product must be returned to Glam and Glow BBS’s office within 1 months of the dissatisfaction for credit or exchange of another product. Returned products must be at least 70% full. The client will be responsible for postage or delivery charges of the returned product. Glam and Glow BBS will deliver the new, exchanged product free of delivery charges. To return an item, please call for assistance Glam and Glow BBS, Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

  • Skin Care Products and Skincare Services for All Skintones

    Page Title Glam and Glow BBS has partnered with businesses that offer a wide variety of services. We are a one-stop shop, which means you can come and relax an enjoy a facial, get your hair braided or a haircut, your nails done, and even experience electrolysis under one roof. Small Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Small Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Small Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Small Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Small Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. Small Title This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors.

  • Skin Care Products and Skincare Services for All Skintones

    Exclusive Services This is your Services Page. It's a great opportunity to provide information about the services you provide. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share with site visitors. Service Name This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to edit the content and make sure to add any relevant information that you want to share with your visitors. Service Name This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to edit the content and make sure to add any relevant information that you want to share with your visitors. People are genuinely interested in learning more about you, so don’t be afraid to share personal anecdotes to create a more friendly quality. Service Name This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to edit the content and make sure to add any relevant information that you want to share with your visitors. Service Name This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. Service Name This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to edit the content and make sure to add any relevant information that you want to share with your visitors. People are genuinely interested in learning more about you, so don’t be afraid to share personal anecdotes to create a more friendly quality. Service Name This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content.

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